Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2009 Kindness of Strangers Tour

Mike Harling, author of Postcards from Across the Pond and fellow blogger, is on a "virtual" world tour visiting blogs all over the globe. Today Mike is virtually visiting Highgate and I have given him a place here on my blog for the day. Enjoy his virtual visit!

26 August 2009

What did I say about not suffering from jet lag on my last tour stop? Australia, Rhode Island, then back to Blighty and I’ll be fine, right? Sure. On my way to visit LuLu Travels in London, I thought I’d pop into the flat and become reacquainted with my wife. A month later I was still there, and still had not managed to get up to London.

I tell you, this virtual travel really tires a guy out.

So, with autumn approaching, I pulled out the tour schedule, dusted it off and set out on the virtual highway once again. Visiting LuLu Travels is a good place to start, as it’s just a quick jaunt to London and back. I didn’t even bother to bring a camera.

I always regarded London as a wonderful, magical place when I first arrived. I still do, I suppose, but back then it was wonderful, magical and new, so I always went armed with a camera. The first time I found myself in London without my camera was a sort of “coming of age” moment for me, when I realized England was truly my home and no longer one continual adventure.

That’s a bit of a shame, because London is full of amazing sights (and, for you people who live in London, the rest of the country is pretty nice, as well) and I liked that feeling of open-eyed wonder every time I went anyplace new. But, alas Victoria station, the Underground and Buckingham Palace are no longer new, and filling up my hard-drive with additional of photos of them just doesn’t interest me.

So LuLu Travels has promised to take me on a tour of the Highgate area, someplace I have never been before. Hopefully it will bring back some of that open-eyed wonder.

I should have brought a camera.

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Michael Harling is the author of
“Postcards From Across the Pond – dispatches from an accidental expat”
“Laugh out loud funny regardless of which side of the pond you call home. Bill Bryson move over, there’s a new American expat in town with a keen sense of humor.”
-- Jeff Yeager, author of “The Ultimate Cheapskate”

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